Adoption Services

Creating loving homes since 1947

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Zach & Meghan

Dear Expectant Parent, 

Thank you for considering choices in regard to your child’s life. We cannot fully understand how hard this decision is and how you feel at this moment, but we greatly appreciate your bravery in making an adoption plan. If chosen to be the parents of your child, we want to assure you that your child will be in a loving and God-centered home. We will support, encourage and guide your child to find interests and always help them achieve their goals. Please know that no matter what you decide, we wish you, your child, and your family all the best. We thank you for taking the time to allow us to share our story with you.

We have always wanted a big family. When we were preparing for marriage, the topic of children came up quite a bit. At that time, we didn’t know what our future family would look like, but knew that adoption was something that we wanted to learn more about. After struggling with infertility and suffering 4 miscarriages, adoption was our answer. We adopted our son, Michael, in 2020. Our journey has not been easy, but we have become stronger through it. We are excited about growing our family through adoption. We have so much love in our hearts to give and we can’t wait to share that with another child!


Zach and Meghan

Our Story

We met in college, I was in the process of moving into my sorority house and needed some tools to put a desk together. I went to the fraternity house across the yard and knocked on the door. Zach answered. I had seen him around, but didn’t know him. We didn’t talk much that day, but he let me borrow his friend’s tool box. A few days later I ran into him at a back-to-school get together, which happened to be on my birthday. Zach sang Happy Birthday to me that evening (cute, I know!) and what I initially thought was a crush began turning into much more! We started dating in February of 2006 and spent most of our time in the library studying the rest of the semester. We would grab ice cream or watch movies and listen to music. We dated for the next three years.

The Proposal and Wedding

Leading up to my birthday I was trying to get a group of friends together for dinner. I made reservations for a big group of people that we’re going to join Zach and me. The days leading up to the big night, everyone canceled and it ended up just being the two of us. I’ll be honest, I was a little disappointed that none of my friends came to help celebrate. Zach wanted to cheer me up and said we we’re going somewhere special. He took me downtown. All of the sudden, Zach got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I
said yes! When we went back to my house everyone was there! Zach had planned the entire evening and had told everyone to cancel so we could be alone and he could propose! The rest of the night was perfect.

We got married in a beautiful church downtown. We had so many friends and family filling the pews to share in this day with us. It was beautiful traditional ceremony. The reception was at the hotel where our guests were staying. The food was fantastic and is still talked about to this day. Because I’m a teacher, we couldn’t take our honeymoon immediately after our wedding. We waited a few months and went to Cancun. It was amazing! The beach was beautiful and we explored the area. We’ve been married for 14 years.

About Us

Meghan is an incredibly sweet woman who keeps me grounded. She is compassionate, fun-loving and such a joy to be around. She keeps her cool under pressure and is naturally flexible and laid back, always making the best out of any situation. Meghan has been an anchor for our family and she is always encouraging and supportive of all my professional ventures and personal hobbies. She is my best friend and I’m so thankful she said “yes!” to marrying me! Children of all ages adore Meghan and vice versa! She’s kind, playful, understanding and nurturing towards children. She’s a natural, patient teacher and loves helping children explore the world around them. Our son Michael adores his mom and has definitely become a “mama’s boy.”

Meghan is a teacher. Her job is very family-friendly and flexible, especially with the breaks she has during the summer and around the holidays. She will take some time off as she did with our first upon the arrival of our child and then will return to work.

Zach is the perfect catch (sounds pretty cliche, but he loves to fish)! He is one of the most genuine and hardworking people I know. He isn’t a fan of sitting still and loves to find new hobbies and interests to explore. Zach is a natural leader and can find a solution to any problem. Overall he makes everyone around him better. He is a kind, loving and wonderful husband. We have so much fun together and make a great team!

He is great with children. Michael looks up to his dad and Zach is always ready and willing to play dinosaurs, ride bikes, and watch the latest episode of Bluey whenever asked. Zach is great with children. We have lots of nieces and nephews and always make a point to attend any of their ball games or events when we visit to cheer them on.

Zach serves the public as a hospital administrator. He is very proud of his work and hopes to leave every day knowing that he made a difference in someone’s life. He works a typical 8am-5pm Monday-Friday job and always makes it home for dinner. He has plenty of time off and will be able to spend plenty of time with the arrival of our second child.

Our Children

Michael is a lively 4-year-old with a big heart. He loves to listen to music, dance, and play with friends. He is active with team sports and learning to swim — enjoying every minute in the pool! Michael is a sweet boy who loves animals and acting silly, letting his creative-side show to all those around him.

Our Children

Michael is a lively 4-year-old with a big heart. He loves to listen to music, dance, and play with friends. He is active with team sports and learning to swim — enjoying every minute in the pool! Michael is a sweet boy who loves animals and acting silly, letting his creative-side show to all those around him.

Our House

Our home is an updated ranch with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a spacious yard with lots to explore. We live in a quiet neighborhood walking distance from both the elementary and high school along with 2 playgrounds and a lovely walking trail. We have been blessed with some of the best neighbors to call friends.

Our Community

We love our small town and the friendships that we are building. We appreciate the fact that we live far enough from a larger city that we get to experience the “hometown” feel, but close enough that we can visit and explore it over the weekend. Our city includes many state and local parks which include Our Community various sized lakes, nature trails, and campgrounds. We hae multiple little leagues complexes which include football, soccer, baseball fields, along with tennis courts and pickleball courts. We also enjoy our local gym that includes a state of the art indoor swimming pool and splashpad. Our area is just a short drive from family-friendly activities such as the zoo, aquarium, children’s museums, great restaurants, and shopping centers.

Our Religion/Beliefs

We our raising our family according to our Christian faith. Both of us have found our own connections to God through the Church, our families, and each other. We will lead by example in teaching our child important values such as love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness and helping others.

Our Hobbies

Both Meghan and Zach are very active individuals who love being outdoors. Each has focused on their wellness and make it a priority to have plenty of “play” in our lives. Since adopting Michael, we have focused on his activities through his school and supporting his development with swimming lessons, tee ball, and soccer. Our favorite family hobbies are traveling, enjoying local attractions like baseball games and parks, and spending time outside.

Meghan and Zach both enjoy running and cycling, and Michael began enjoying time on a bicycle when he was only 2-years-old. Kayaking and fishing are some of our favorite activities when we’re near the water, and Zach occasionally hunts. Exploring our region on family hikes have been some of our best times together as we take in the sights and enjoy time with nature.

Zach's Family

My parents are Patrick and Bonnie. Both my mom and dad are retired and love to cheer on their children and grandchildren by attending all their events. My older brother, Sean, is married to Stephanie. They have three children: Ryan (24), Natalie (20), and Daniel (18).

Meghan's Family

My parents are Tony and Nancy. Both my parents are retired and spend most of their time with their grandchildren. My brother, Dan, is married to Krista. They have three children: Evelyn (9), Jonathan (7), and Elijah (3). My youngest sister, Molly, is married to Mike. They have one child: William (4).


4th of July – Meghan’s family traditionally celebrates in Northern Wisconsin at a family cabin near a lake. We play on the lake, fish, play games, and just enjoy the quiet (and not so quiet) evenings together. Zach’s family also had many traditions over the fourth of July including cookouts and shooting off fireworks in the neighborhood. 

Thanksgiving – We love hosting Thanksgiving at our house! Each year, we have welcomed both sides of our immediate and extended families. Our house never feels empty and we are full of good food, great memories and lots of football.

Christmas – Usually we spend Christmas eve with Meghan’s family eating a big Italian dinner, opening gifts, and attending church. On Christmas Day, we travel to Zach’s parents house where we enjoy a turkey dinner and plenty of gift exchanging. We watch A Christmas Story, a family favorite, numerous times quoting-along line by line. 

Easter – Every Easter we wake up and go to church together. Then we enjoy a nice brunch either out at a restaurant or in our home. During the Easter season, we take Michael to see the easter bunny and participate in lots of egg hunts!

Traditions – Growing up with a teacher as a mom, I (Meghan) celebrated “back to school” with a fancy breakfast the Sunday before the first day of school. As an Educator, that is something Zach and I continue to do with our family.

Thank You

Thank so much for taking a few minutes to read through our book and get to know a little about our family. We are honored to even be considered. If chosen to be the parents of your child, we promise that they will be raised in a loving and supportive family who will always have their best interest in mind. Your child will know about their adoption story from the very beginning. It will never be kept a secret. They will always know about your bravery, strength, and unconditional love. We will do our best to be open with your little one about adoption and answer any questions that may arise. We can’t imagine all of the thoughts and emotions going through your head right now, but we pray you have peace in whatever decision you make.


Zach and Meghan