Adoption Services

Creating loving homes since 1947

caritas family clip

Matt & Kaci

Dear Birth Mother – 

 You are such a special and selfless person for considering adoption. We are thrilled that you are taking the time to review our information to make the best decision for yourself and your unborn child. Adoption has always been on the table for us since the day we met. Kaci was adopted as a baby and shared her story with Matt on their first date. Kaci’s story of adoption is always so heartwarming to people she shares it with and she’s a huge advocate for adoption. We have one biological child, Corbin, who is ecstatic at the thought of having a sibling. He is three years old and we know that he will be the best big brother. Adoption is a two way street and we feel both parties are vital in a child’s life. We feel that a child can never have too many people that love them and genuinely enjoy all the love and support we get from both of our families. We would be honored to raise your child and could only hope that we would make you a proud birth mother. We feel that adoption is the ultimate gift that someone could choose for a child and would be grateful for such a gift. We are proud of you and hope to meet you soon! 

Love, Kaci, Matt, Corbin and Pepper

About Us

Matt is a husband, father, son, brother, nephew, and friend. He is an extroverted introvert who enjoys family time at home, watching STL Blues and Cardinals (he’s their official couch coach), and cooking on the Blackstone or smoking meats for our family and friends. He’s a hard worker and very driven. He got his bachelors degree in Political Science and his masters in Public Administration. Matt currently works as a manager of member engagement. Personality wise, Matt is a teddy bear with keen financial knowledge and a sarcastic sense of humor. He is always kind to everyone and never gets his feathers ruffled unless you are a slow driver.

Kaci is a wife, mother, daughter, niece, and friend. She is the definition of a people person and thrives off of human interaction. She loves doing girly things like getting her nails done and going to the spa, cooking anything and everything, and hosting family and friends at their house. Kaci got her bachelors degree in Public Relations and Speech Communication. Kaci currently works as an early talent strategist and diversity outreach specialist. Kaci wears her heart on her sleeve and can make friends with just about anyone. She loves to talk about anything and everything!

Our Story

Kaci and Matt met in 2016 after connecting online (Modern day romance at its finest!). We both say we knew there was something special that first night. Even though we’ve had peaks and valleys in our nine year relationship, we always remember how unique that first meeting was and our initial spark. When we met, we’d both had some bad online dating experiences and we’d bonded electronically over our shared horror stories. We met at 4 Hands Brewery in St. Louis, MO, for what we had both told our friends was a “courtesy” drink. Sparks flew so much that after over two hours of conversation, we decided to go and get dinner to continue the night. Our conversation relocated to a cute little Mexican restaurant in Soulard where we discussed future plans over tacos, cheese dip and margaritas. It was the perfect first date. At the end of the date, Matt walked Kaci to her car (chivalry isn’t dead!) and asked if it would be too forward if he kissed her. Just like in a fairy tale, Matt and Kaci had their first kiss under the streetlights right before midnight. Both of them left smiling from ear to ear and when Kaci got home, she’d already gotten a text from Matt telling her what a great time he’d had and asked when he could see her again. As with all great love stories, this was the defining moment at the beginning of their love story. As they say, the rest is history…

Our Families

Kaci’s mom and stepdad are lovingly known to Corbin as Kiki and Papa. Kaci’s mom is a retired teacher and is compassionate and fun. Kaci’s stepdad came into her life about 15 years ago and is a friend and father figure to both Matt and her. They are so helpful and despite living an hour and a half away, they visit about twice a month and facetime with Corbin daily. Corbin lights up when he’s with them and forgets who mom and dad are because he is having so much fun. Kaci’s Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins are a big part of our life. While they don’t see each other daily, they typically get together with her extended family every other month. 

 Matt’s mom and dad have both passed. They were the best people and we keep their memory alive by telling Corbin stories about them and keeping their pictures up throughout our house. Matt’s dad passed away in 2017 and his mom in 2023. Matt’s extended family is a huge part of our lives. Matt has a fraternal twin brother, Nate, who is married to Sarah and they have three beautiful daughters: Olivia, Sophie and Mary. Matt has a younger brother, Joey, who comes over weekly to join us for dinner and hang out with Corbin. He works right down the street so it makes it very convenient to enjoy each others company. Matt has two aunts on his fathers side who help us out regularly. Anytime there’s an excuse to see Corbin or join our family outings, both Helen (and her husband, Bill) and Sissy are there. We have one cousin on Matt’s side, Sarah (she goes by Aunt Sarah, too), and she has two wonderful children as well as two bonus children who we enjoy being with. Corbin adores her kids Carter and Payton and they both love to come over with Sissy to babysit any chance they get.

Some people come into your lives and instantly become your family. Deb and Daryl aka Aunt Deb and Uncle Daryl to Corbin, are some of our favorite people. They have a daughter, Meg, who lives in DC, that keeps up with us regularly. There is not a week that goes by that we do not catch up with them and they treat Corbin like royalty. We are lucky they live down the street and help us out. Steve and Jerry are a constant figure in our lives, too. They are always up for a good time and are so thoughtful. Despite not having kids, they want to see Corbin regularly and invite us over for pool parties and trick or treating! These families will be a shoulder to lean on and learn from as adoption is near and dear to both of them.


We moved into our home in September of 2020. We have a 5 bedroom/4 bathroom house and love to host family and friends regularly. We have the perfect backyard for parties and we just got Corbin a new play structure to enjoy. Taking care of our family is our number one priority. We also want our children to feel safe and loved no matter who is taking care of them. Matt works from home 75% of the time and goes to the office four days a month. Kaci works from home all of the time. Anytime there is an illness or school holiday, we have flexible working arrangements and are able to keep Corbin or future children home with us. We also have a whole village of Kiki and Papa’s, aunts, uncles, and framily (friend family) that help us out when we need it. We are very lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives. Corbin attends a local daycare center. Any future child would attend this center with him. The school focuses on individualizing each child’s experience and encourages a safe learning environment. We are continually amazed at the things he learns at school. He was spelling his first name at a year old, counting to 10 in Spanish by two, and his favorite thing about school is the books they have. The school has a garden the kids help take care of, they host annual events and performances, and we know the teachers and owners on a first name basis. The center has been amazing and we would love to have another child experience the learning and friendship Corbin has.

Fun Facts

Matt is a fraternal twin! Kaci is adopted!

Our Pups

We have a wonderful 7 year old Boston Terrier/Pug mix named Pepper. She loves kids and is Corbin’s partner in crime. They love matching outfits/Halloween dress up and Pepper is always the Wonder Woman to all of Corbin’s Super Heroes. To know Pepper is to love Pepper. Everyone always comments on her patience with Corbin and also her warm snuggles and kisses.

Our Hobbies

We feel that life is too short to not celebrate every little thing. Christmas is our favorite holiday followed by birthdays. But, we also enjoy celebrating the end of a busy week with pizza or a new milestone at swimming! Cheers! We love vacation! Who doesn’t? Whether it is a trip to the beach, mountains, or an amusement park, the important thing is that we are spending time together and laughing a lot! We love trying new things. We always try and experience new restaurants, the farmers markets, and any festival or fair in the area. We enjoy getting out of the house and laughing!


Corbin was born in May of 2021 and has been stealing our hearts ever since. He has the spunkiest personality and is a real comedian. The things that he says and does have everyone laughing all the time. He is the first to crack a joke and the first to offer a hug and tell you he loves you. Corbin has been going to “school” at his current daycare since he was 10 months old and absolutely loves it. Currently, he is best friends with everyone in his class (he tells us this all the time) and he has big plans to marry June Bug, his class sweetheart. Corbin is involved in soccer and swimming on a weekly basis. We feel that it is important for kids to enjoy activities and have fun experiences.


We feel that you are an important part of your child’s life and we want you to be a part of our lives. We would share with them, age appropriate information, about their adoption and what a selfless act you have done, as early as possible. Since Kaci has been adopted, she will be able to share her own experiences with you and your child. We hope to create a bond with you and show up as one united family, a relationship of love, trust and open communication. One aspect of Kaci’s adoption that sticks with her is her parents sharing her birth story and the night they brought her home as a bedtime story some nights. Her mom tells it the best but it always makes her smile when she hears it. We hope to incorporate your child’s story into our bedtime routine someday.

Raising a child of another race

 We are a very open and accepting family and feel that diversity should not only be acknowledged but celebrated. If we had the opportunity to adopt a child of a different culture or background, we would embrace it and do our best to teach your child about their background. We would also consult with other adoptive families in our lives who have had the opportunity to raise a child of a different culture or background for their support and advice.

What led us to adoption

That’s simple! We have a lot of love to give and want to grow our family! Life happens and despite our efforts, we’re unable to have another biological child. We feel very blessed with Corbin but would love to give him the sibling he’s been praying for since he knew what a sibling was. We know that families are made in different ways and no matter how they’re made, love is what makes a family.