Adoption Services

Creating loving homes since 1947

caritas family clip

Brandon & Deborah

Dear Expectant Parent, 

Hi! We are Brandon, Deborah, and Faith. Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about us. We have been married for almost 13 years and we adopted our daughter, Faith, in 2019. Brandon runs his own business doing renovations and custom woodworking builds and Deborah gets to stay home with Faith and any future children while doing her own crochet business on the side. We are very excited about the opportunity to grow our family again through adoption!

Our Story

We met in December 2010 and were married in September 2011. We knew very quickly that we were made to be together and we work hard everyday to make sure we are still choosing each other. As in every marriage we have had periods of struggle and periods of joy, but we have only grown stronger together through every situation. We have a lot of interests in common and enjoy supporting each other in our different interests.

Our Families

We are extremely blessed with close extended families. Brandon’s family lives in Wisconsin and Deborah’s family is in Ohio. We stay very connected. We facetime, text, and travel to be together often, and they are all excited for our family to grow. They have been incredibly supportive of Faith and love her beyond all measure and will do the same for any future children. Our support group locally is also very close and helpful. They have walked beside us through so much and are ready to support and encourage our family as we grow. We have multiple friends and families at our church who have adopted as well.


Our home is a 4 bedroom, 2 bath, Cape Cod style house with a beautiful fenced-in backyard. We are close to multiple parks, bike trails, and any store or restaurant you could ever need. We are also in a wonderful school system. We are blessed to have neighbors and friends of all races and multiple friends who have also adopted.

Fun Facts

Deborah has worked with children all of her life. She volunteered at her grandmother’s preschool beginning in elementary school, began babysitting at age 11, serving in kids church during high school (and still today), worked at a nursery and nannied for a 10yr old in her 20s, worked as an Aide in an elementary school (grades k-5) for 4 years before we adopted Faith, and has watched a little boy in our house 2-5 days a week for the last 7 years. We have 13 nieces and nephews, ages newborn to 17.

Our Pups

We currently don’t have any pets but hope to have a dog one day when our children are ready.

Our Hobbies

As a family we all love music, sports, being outdoors, and hanging out with friends. We all play/sing music all of the time. Brandon and Deborah serve on the worship team at church, Deborah used to do musical theater (singing, dancing, and acting), and Brandon currently plays in 2 bands and writes his own music. We love watching and playing sports (our favorites are college football, soccer, and hockey). We enjoy being outside playing in or on water, walking, playing, and going on roller coasters. Our backyard is a wonderful hang out space for time with friends and playing games.


Faith is 6 years old and thriving! We met Faith when she was 13 months old and still in the NICU. She was born at 26 weeks weighing 15.9oz but now she is growing and learning like crazy and no longer uses any medical devices. She is extremely joyful and very ready to have siblings! She loves all kids and wants to be best friends with all of them, especially anyone smaller than her.


We definitely see the benefits of an open adoption and want to have that opportunity for all of our children. We look forward to growing our relationship in openness with your family and we are fully committed to what is agreed upon by all. We promise to always be truthful to you and your child.

Raising a child of another race

We currently do not have a child of a race different than ours, but we wouldn’t hesitate if given the opportunity. We have friends that have adopted from a different race, Deborah’s cousin was adopted from Thailand, and our church has many people from all different races. We know we will have a lot to learn to make sure our child understands their background and culture but will do everything to help them succeed and never lose their identity.

What led us to adoption

We have always wanted a family but were unable to do so biologically. Deborah has known she wanted to adopt since she was in high school so it was an easy decision to make. We began our adoption process in 2018 and met our daughter Faith. We have learned and grown so much through it all and are extremely ready and excited to adopt again. We are very aware of all the possible challenges but are also aware of the joy that comes as we learn and grow together.