Adoption Services
Creating loving homes since 1947

Adam & Kristy

Dear Expectant Parent,
We hope that as you look though our profile book, you can see who we truly are, the bond that we share and love that surrounds us. We want you to know that we would dedicate our lives to ensure that your child is safe, happy and loved.
We are Adam and Kristy and we have been together almost 20 years and married for 16. We live in Southern Illinois just outside of St. Louis. We love our small town and share our older, historic home with our 10 year old lab/mastiff pup, Bear. We both work in the area at the school district and at a local restaurant as a chef. Through our jobs we love serving others and that is truly at the heart of who we are as people and is the foundation of our relationship.
Our adoption journey has been a long one and we continue to trust and have hope that one day, we will become parents and be able to share unconditional love to a precious child. We found out in 2015 that we were unable to conceive a child and began our adoption journey in 2017. Adoption is something that has always been in our hearts even before we found out that it may be our only option for creating a family. Adoption is in line with who we are and we believe in loving and serving others. The act of adoption is a loving one and that is why we want to create a family through adoption.

We took some time to process the infertility and then began the journey of adoption. We lived in Florida at that time, and we waited almost 2 years for the call and then a hurricane hit our town and we moved home to Illinois. At that time, we stood back up and started the process again. During that time the Covid Pandemic was happening and once again there were obstacles between us and adopting, but we kept going. We are now waiting again for that call, and I share this path to adoption with you because I hope you see how badly we want to love a child. It is our hope that you also see that the determination we have had to carry this adoption process out will be the same determination with which we love a child. This love will guide us in our parenting style as well. Our belief is that unconditional love and parenting by teaching skills is the most supportive way to parent. We promise to love your child and teach them all we can to support them in their life. This will include teaching them about their own connection to adoption, who you are and how beautiful adoption is and how much they are loved by so many.
Adam and I are so grateful that you are considering our family. We want you to know that you would be loved, prayed for and always respected as the birth parent and will be included in your child’s journey through an open adoption. We would be open with you and always seek what the child needs to feel connected to you. We will always remind them of how brave you are and how this act of adoption is the greatest act of love. We would be honored to love your child. If you were to choose us, please know that it would be the greatest gift we have ever been given.
Adam and Kristy
Our Story
Adam and Kristy met in college in 2003. Adam moved into the apartment beneath Kristy and they became great friends who quickly fell in love. After 1 year of dating, Adam proposed during game 4 of the World Series, Boston Red Sox vs. St. Louis Cardinals. Kristy’s favorite movie is Good Will Hunting and in this movie, Robin Williams left the Red Sox game to “go see about a girl”. Adam did just that and proposed under a lunar eclipse during game 4. Luckily, Kristy said yes and Adam won big that night. Kristy said yes and the Red Sox broke the 86 year curse and won the World Series. They have been in love for almost 20 years and married for 16 and are very proud of the love they share.
Our Families
Our families mean the world to us and we spend most of our free time celebrating birthdays, holidays and traditions with both sides of our family. Adam and I have always cherished our families and the traditions we share and that is one of the major things we had in common and brought us together.
Our family get togethers are very important to us. We love to celebrate with our friends and family or just get together, just because. Our niece and nephew Maddie and Liam mean the world to us and we travel to see them as often as we can. We also care very much about our dear friend’s daughter, Cecilia. She is like part of our family. We loved to celebrate her baptism and birthdays just like family.
Family Traditions
Adam and I celebrate Passover and Hanukah every year and try to celebrate with his family every chance we get. Adam is Jewish and it has been amazing to celebrate his family traditions and learn about his Jewish culture and history. His family is from New England and his parents now reside in St. Augustine, FI. We have always loved enjoying all things New England, including traveling to their favorite places and eating lots of seafood!
Adam is an Executive Chef and growing up with his family traditions was in large part because he loves to prepare and serve delicious food. Many of Adams’ cherished childhood memories are of his family getting together to celebrate holidays, cooking for hours and spending time together feasting at the table. Adam is a Chef who absolutely has a gift to serve others and it all started with his family.
Making Memories
Adam and Kristy also celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving with both of their families and celebrate Easter with Kristy’s family. They love to decorate BIG and have the whole family together. Kristy is Christian and has enjoyed these holidays every year with her family and many of the traditions were kept up by her beloved Grandma Cathy. Every year Adam and Kristy go to a local farm and cut down their real Christmas tree, have the entire family over and host Christmas. It is filled with love, delicious food prepared by Adam, gift opening from youngest to oldest and one by one, the Santa Bag which re-caps all of the year’s inside jokes and the annual ping pong tournament. The traditions mean so much to Adam and Kristy and they take very seriously continuing the family traditions and being the keeper of the family flame.
Our Pups
Adam and I love, love, love our pups. Baily girl was a part of our lives for 12 years and now we have Bear. We include him in all we do and keep an active lifestyle that always includes our pup.
Our Hobbies
We love to travel, hike, go to the beach and be active outdoors. While Adam is a Red Sox fan, we both love to cheer on the Cardinals together at Busch Stadium! We lived in Florida along the Gulf of Mexico for 19 years and travel there often. We will always visit the beach as we consider it our second home.
Hard Work and Good Times
Adam and Kristy are passionate about the work they do. Adam is Chef and Kristy works at a local school. Adam and Kristy both serve others in different ways and love the work they do. They also both enjoy having fun! That includes singing, playing games, dressing up for Halloween and just enjoying life!
Our Promise to You
Adam and I promise to love your child unconditionally and like they are our very own. We understand the importance of your child feeling connected to you and how much that will help them as they develop and grow. We will support that connection to ensure they will never forget where they came from and help them know who they are. Adam and I would encourage openness in a way that fully supports your child developmentally. We promise to love them, keep them safe and ensure they grow up in a happy home.
Thank You
Thank you for your courage and bravery. We are so grateful for this opportunity and hope that you will consider us to be a loving family to your child.
Adam and Kristy